Syntax for the Title Tag is:
[TITLE]Creating Successful meta tags, list of all meta tags, title tag limit, href tag, meta tag analysis[/TITLE]
Google usually reads about 90 characters of your Title Tag. So title should be short and specific with non repeating moderate keywords.
Syntax for Meta Description Tag is:
[meta name="description" content="Successful Meta tags: What are meta tags? Meta tag analysis, list of all meta tags, title tag limit, creating meta tags, background meta tags. This article covers the most important aspects of meta tags in relation to website optimization or SEO."]
The Meta Description Tag needs to be kept brief yet informative. About 25-30 words description should do fine. Keywords and key phrases should be included in the Meta Description Tag, though care should be taken not to repeat them too often.Meta and title should be different for different pages.
Syntax for Meta Keywords Tag is:
[META name="keywords" content="Keyword phrases that describe your web page"]
Most search engines do not read the Meta Keywords Tag anymore. Still you should use 20 non repeating keywords/phrases in meta keyword.
Meta Robots Tag
Index: allows the spider to index that page.
Noindex: instructs the spider not to index the page.
Follow: instructs the spider to follow the links from that page and index them.
Nofollow: instructs the spider not to follow links from that page for indexing.
[meta name="robots" content="index,follow"]
[meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow"]
[meta name="robots" content="index,nofollow"]
[meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"]
Use any one of the four tags in one page as per the requirement.
If you have not specified any Meta Robots Tag on a page, by default, the spiders understand that the page and all the links appearing on that page are open for indexing.
Meta Refresh Tag
The Meta Refresh Tag is used to redirect a visitor from one page to another or refresh the same page in a specified time. Same page refresh comes in use when the page content is changing very quickly like share market,live score etc.
To refresh the current page:
[meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60"]
Content = "60" denotes refresh after 60 seconds
To redirect to another page:
[meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url="]
Since this method is tagged as a doorway page in search engine algorithms due to misuse & manipulation of the code for increasing adsense revenue by auto refreshing & increasing page impressions ,unless you have a compelling reason to use Meta Refresh Tag, do not use it.
Meta Author Tag
The Meta Author Tag identifies the author of a particular web page. Though not highly supported, its format usually includes the name, e-mail address of the Webmaster, name of the company or the Internet address.
[META name="Author" content="Author Information"]
Meta Distribution Tag
The Distribution Meta Tag identifies the level of distribution of your web page and how it should be further classified in context to the World Wide Web. The three forms of distribution supported by this Tag are:
‘Global’ specifies that your web page is for mass distribution.
‘Local’ lets you specify that your document is for local distribution only.
‘Internal Use or IU’ specifies that your document is not intended for public distribution.
Syntax for different Meta Distribution Tags:
(Use only one of the following)
[META name="Distribution" content="Global"]
[META name="Distribution" content= “Local”]
[META name="Distribution" content= “IU”]
Meta Revisit Tag
Meta Revisit Tag was believed to specify how often a search engine should visit a site for re-indexing. Although not proven, webmasters could indicate the frequency of how often their content changes and is ready for a re-index by search engines.
[META name="Revisit-After" content="X Days"]
Note: X indicates the number
List of other Meta Tags
· Abstract Meta Tag: gives an overview of the entire web page in a sentence.
[META name="Abstract" content="Abstract phrase"]
· Copyright Meta Tag: gives copyright information about your page, which you wish to disclose.
[META name="Copyright" content="Copyright Statement"]
· Expires Meta Tag: tells the search engines when the content on your web site would expire.
[META name="Expires" content="Mon, 22 Jan 2004 17:45:05 GMT"]
· Language Meta Tag: defines the language used on your web page.
[META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" content="EN"]
· Ratings Meta Tag: tells the search engines if your site is for general, restricted or adult audiences.
[META name= “Rating” content= “General”]
Replace all ‘[‘ with ‘<’ and all ‘]’ by ‘>’ in case of syntax.
Source : [Blogging Resources